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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Amazing fashion photo gallery by Manuel Libres Librodo from Philippines

Manuel Libres Librodo or Manny Librodo was born in Philippines, but based in Thailand and all over the world.

- Named by Scott Kelby as one of the FIVE BEST PHOTOGRAPHERS of the world in 2009 (that you probably haven't heard about) -multi-awarded and internationally published photographer -conducts workshop all over the world

What Scott Kelby said about my photography in a live interview:

Host: My final question is gonna be a tough one for you but I think you're gonna be up for the challenge. And last question i always ask is I ask my guest to recommend one photographer for our listeners and the people here to discover and explore. And it can be any photographer, a photographer you've long admired or someone you've recently discovered. So who would that one photographer would be and why?

Kelby: Alright so my default answer would be Joe McNally because he's just such an inspiration but I'm not gonna do that even though I just did it. So pretend that wasn't my answer, it wouldn't be Joe McNally. Now here's the thing, I may be a little off on the spelling but there is a guy named Manuel Libidero? This guy is from the Philippines. Do you know who he is Ted?

Host: Oh I know who you're talking about. Yeah, Manny Librodo.

Kelby: That's it! That's it! This guy, I don't know what he's doing but he shoots shots in the Philippines of places and people, it's usually people in a location, I wanna warn you, will make you wanna throw away your camera. He should be the entire marketing budget for the tourism council for the Philippines. Is it Indonesia or Philippines, I think he's from the Philippines.

Host: He's in the Philippines.

Kelby: Philippines. There's just something magical about his stuff. It is real but at the same time his post processing skills are insane. When you take someone with phenomenal vision, great subjects in an incredible location with great photoshop skills, that guy creates pure magic.

Host: And I think he's a school teacher. He teaches… he teaches… coz a lot of his students are his

Kelby: subjects. I wanna beat the crap out of that guy. hehehe! Anyway let me tell you, seriously, that guys is… he is magic. So I'm going away from the default one coz Joe is such an inspiration to me, and I gonna go with Manuel what was his…

Host: Manuel Librodo

Kelby: Librodo, that is it, Manuel Librodo. And if your search for Manuel + Philippines + insane or great photographer, his name will come up and he's building his own fan base…

Official Ambassador: Sony Philippines
Winner of various Online Competitions

FOR MORE about photographer and photo guide

Thanks gracegirl

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