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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Brad Robson painter Australia

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Brad Robson was born in Sydney, Australia in 1976. He currently lives and works in Australia.

On the grounding of the true avant-garde, Robson cultivated his life along the path of thorough experimentation in multiple fields before arriving at the decision to devote his life to creating art. Robson sought his first opportunity as a freelance graphic designer at the young age of 19. Therein the Australian artist gravitated to the sumptuous and free form expression he could accomplish with painting, ostensibly in contrast to the stringent click of the mouse. Robson continued to develop his painting on a self-taught basis while completing his studies in Graphic Design and Advertising and propelled himself into the teachers chair lecturing in Album Sleeve Design at Commercial Arts Training College in Sydney.

It is Robson’s devotion to experimentation and hard work that enabled the painter to launch a construction company specializing in roofing which enabled him to propagate his art career that he owns and directs today.
The city, as a representation of vitality and space, galvanized his inspiration to paint with abstract forms, concisely but still heavily coming from deep within him. In 2011, he completed a residency in Illustration and Visual Storytelling at the School of Visual Arts in New York. In 2013, Robson had his premiere solo exhibition at the Berlin Collective in Manhattan. Since then, he caught the eye of Director John Woodward and is featured in three simultaneous New York City solo exhibitions as well as numerous exhibitions and galleries in and around Sydney.

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