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Monday, May 23, 2016

Humanity art by Conor Walton from Ireland

Conor Walton was born in Dublin in 1970, and he studied painting at the National College of Art and Design, graduating in 1993. After
further studies in Britain and Italy, Conor returned to full-time painting in Ireland in 1996. Five successful solo-exhibitions followed with Jorgensen Fine Art in Dublin. Conor now exhibits widely outside of Ireland, with recent solo exhibitions in Britain, Denmark and Norway. Future solo exhibitions are planned for Dublin, Nov. 2013, and San Francisco, Sept. 2014.

Portrait Ireland 2005 Major Award, Newtownbarry House Gallery (2005)
Fourth Prize, BP Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery, London (2005)
Third Prize `Lorenzo Il Magnifico' for Painting, Florence Biennale (1999)
Don Niccolo D'Ardia Caracciolo RHA Medal (1997)
Keating McLoughlin Medal awarded by the ESB
at RHA Annual Exhibition (1997)
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, Montreal, Canada, Scholarship (1994)
Royal Dublin Society Taylor Art Bequest, First Prize (1993)

Third Prize, Still Life Category, International ARC Salon (2014-2015)
Finalist and sitter's choice, Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2014, Dublin heat.
Portrait Ireland 2005 Major Award,
Newtownbarry House Gallery (2005)

Shortlisted, BP Portrait Award,
National Portrait Gallery, London (2005)

Third Prize `Lorenzo Il Magnifico' for Painting,
Florence Biennale (1999)

Don Niccolo D'Ardia Caracciolo RHA Medal (1997)

Keating McLoughlin Medal awarded by the ESB
at RHA Annual Exhibition (1997)

Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, Montreal, Canada, Scholarship (1994)

Royal Dublin Society Taylor Art Bequest,
First Prize (1993)

Public Collections  & Solo Exhibitions

Archdiocese of Dublin, the Boyle Civic Collection, Club na Muinteoirí, Dublin Dental Hospital, the Electricity Supply Board, the Humanist Association of Ireland, the Irish Defence Forces, Maynooth College, the National Library of Ireland, the National Self-Portrait Collection (University of Limerick), The Office of Public Works, An Post, The Royal Dublin Society, St Patrick's Cathedral (Dublin), St Patrick's College Cavan, Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin
Conor’s commissioned portraits can be found in many public and private collections, and his work has featured on book covers and postage stamps in Ireland and abroad.

2015 The Enemies of Progress, CK Contemporary,
San Francisco, USA
2015 La Figure Humaine, Galerie L’Oeil du Prince, Paris, France
2013 Vanitas, Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
2013 Elements, Beaux Arts Bath, UK
2012 Allegories of Painting, Dunamaise Arts Centre, Ireland
2012 Allegories of Painting, Galleri PAN, Oslo, Norway
2011 Allegories of Painting, Galleri Nexus, Denmark
2010 New Paintings, Beaux Arts Bath, UK
2009 Landscape and Still Life, Jorgensen Fine Art, Ireland
2006 Philosophical Paintings, Jorgensen Fine Art, Ireland
2003 New Work, Jorgensen Fine Art, Ireland
2003 Shelter Portraits, Jorgensen Fine Art, Ireland
1999 Conor Walton, Jorgensen Fine Art, Ireland

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