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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Fine art photo gallery by Leszek Paradowski from Poland

Leszek Paradowski - holder of the artistic titles of AFIAP International Federation of Photographic Art and the PPSA of Photographic Society of
America, artist photographer of Polish Republic's Photoclub, Vice President of Fotoferia Club, member of Polish Nature Photographers' Union.

Winner of dozens international photography competitions in many countries around the world. Winner of Grand Prix and 5 gold medals in one of the biggest in the world photographic competitions "21.TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2012".
His works have been repeatedly published in albums, magazines, calendars, domestic and foreign catalogs and participated in international post-contest exhibitions on six continents.
Leszek Paradowski – posiadacz tytułów artystycznych AFIAP Międzynarodowej Federacji Sztuki Fotograficznej oraz PPSA Photographic Society of America, artysta fotograf Fotoklubu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, członek Związku Polskich Fotografów Przyrody.
Laureat ponad stu międzynarodowych konkursów fotograficznych w kilkunastu krajach na całym świecie. W ubiegłym roku zdobywca Nagrody Grand Prix oraz pięciu złotych medali w jednym z największych konkursów fotograficznych na świecie "21.TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2012"(Austria). Jego prace wielokrotnie brały udział na międzynarodowych wystawach pokonkursowych na sześciu kontynentach.
Więcej informacji na oficjalnej stronie internetowej

 Award of the President, Gemeente Gilze en Rijen Medal and two Honourable Mentions "7th Holland International Image Circuit 2010" (Holland).

Gold medal of the Belgian Photographers' Federation and Vlaams Minister-
President Award " International Salon Monochrome Foto Digitale Beelden Interimage 2010" (Belgium).

Title of Best Author of 2nd Vision Salon, FIAP Bronze Medal and two Silver Medals of "2nd Finland International Digital Circuit" Salon (Finland).

PSA Gold Medal Best Of Show, four medals for photo of the year "Photo of the Year Filderstadt 2010" (Germany).

PSA Gold Medal " Delaware Valley Photo Travel Circuit 2010" (USA);

PSA Gold Medal, two GO medals and two Honourable Mentions "3rd German Open Circuit 2010"(Germany).

FIAP Gold Medal and FIAP Bronze Medal "The 2nd Gia Dinh Photo International Photo Contest 2010" (Vietnam).

FIAP Silver Medal "International Salon Eurofotoart 2011 3rd Edition" (Romania).

PSA Gold Medal for The Best Landscape Image "10° Salón Internacional de Imagen Virtual".(Argentina).

Two Gold Medals "20. Trierenberg Super Circuit 2011" (Austria).

First Place in Trees Category " International Garden Photographer of the Year 2011" (Great Britain).

Two 3rd places and nine Honourable Mentions "IPA 2011"; two Honourable Mentions "International Color Awards annual Photography Masters Cup 2011".(USA).

Two 1st places in Self Portrait category and Figure and Nude "The Annual Pollux Awards 2011"(Great Britain).

FIAP Gold Medal "Between The Sky And The Earth". (Slovenia).

FIAP Gold Medal and The Title of Best Author of two international competitions "Le 10e Salon International d’Art Photographique de Pessac et le 5e Salon International Photo-Phylles de Bordeaux" (France).

PSA Gold Medal "Le 25e Salon Photo de Riedisheim 2012"(France).

PSA Gold Medal for Best Photo Creativity "11ème Salon International Photographique de Wervicq-Sud 2012" (France).

RPS Gold Medal (The Royal Photographic Society) and two HM in international photo contest "German International DVF Photocup 2012"(Germany).

Salon Silver Award in international photo contest "2nd Arctic Exhibition of Photographic Art 2012"(Norway).

Jury Award in international photo contest - "International Exhibition of Photography Strom 2012". (Slovakia)

Bronze Medal for the best landscape photo in international photo contest under "DANISH DIGITAL 2012"(Denmark).

Silver medal and HM in prestigious photo contess "PX3 PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS 2012"(France).

Second place in the personality category and ten honorable mentions in categories advertising - other, self-promotion, self-portrait, nude, people, fine art, nature, landscape in one of the biggest photographic competition "INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2012" IPA.

Award Grand Prix and five Golds medals "21.TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2012".

"2013 Sony World Photography Awards Open Commended". Category architecture.

Memorial Award in international photo contest "45th Howrah Colour Salon 2013".(India)

Best Author of Salon Crete and PSA gold medal in the International photo contest "1st Greek Photographic Circuit 2013 Internatinal Photographic salon of fine art photography". (Greece)

FIAP Silver Medal in international photo contest "KHAYYAM INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2013".(Iran)

Two Gold Medals at the prestigious photo contest under the patronage of FIAP, VOAV, PSA "22 TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2013" (Austria).

Received the title of Best Author of Salon and PSA bronze medal in the International photo contest "Internacional Salon of Digital Photography - Exposed 2013". (Slovenia)

Two Gold Medals, Bronze Medal and FSS honorable mention in the international photographic competition "3st INTERNATIONAL SALON OF PHOTOGRAPHY NOVI SAD". (Serbia)

Bronze Medal in prestigious photo contest "PX3 PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS 2013". (France)

Third place in category publisher - nature in prestigious photo contest "International Photography Award 2013" IPA.

First place in category nature - other and ten honorable mentions in prestigious photo contest "International Photography Award 2013" IPA.

Two Gold Medals at the prestigious photo contest under the patronage of FIAP, VOAV, PSA "23 TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2014" (Austria).

FOR MORE about photographer and photo guide 

Thanks gracegirl

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