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Monday, May 16, 2016

Julia Trotti Photographer Australia

Professional, engaging, passionate and highly talented are just some of the words that come to mind when asked to describe the high-grade
photography produced by Julia Trotti

Julia has well and truly hit her stride as a photographer, having come a long way since her humble beginnings.

Julia’s portfolio encompasses a wide variety of material, from highly competitive fashion photography to her stunning stills from her work within the music industry right through to the fine art of wedding photography.

The high level of professionalism exhibited by Julia Trotti has seen her featured in the “Digital Photography and Design Magazine” multiple times, charged with producing the cover imagery for “The Last Vampire” novel series by Christopher Pike as well as having been featured by General Pants Co.

Suzi Rose, Jessica Beattie and Mackenzie Mode are amongst Julia’s fashion clients and her musically inclined shoots have seen her produce Cass Eager’s album art, perform live shoots for international acts such as Thirsty Merc and Against Me as well as photographically documenting the 2010 MusicOz Awards.

Bearing these achievements in mind prospective clients of Julia Trotti can be assured that any work produced on their behalf will not only embody a professional attitude but shall be eye catching, engaging, satisfying and unique.

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