Passionate about photography, he started off as an amateur taking pictures during a holiday in Bali. He followed courses at London University and at Superstudio in Milan. He pursued his passion doing photo reports of his various trips all over the world, from Africa to Asia and Central America.
Recently he has concentrated his efforts in photography as a form of artistic expression, starting off with a personal exhibition entitled “DETTAGLI” exhibited during the 2011 Milan Furniture Exhibition. In 2013 he Exhibited at the MIA FAIR in Milan, and in 2014 had 2 Personal Exhibitions in Milan and Exhibited at MIA & D Singapore – Marina Bay Sands Exhibition Center, in concomitance with the 4th Singapore International Photography Festival.
His works have been sold at Christie’s, Sotheby’s in Milan and Artcurial in Paris Charity Auctions.
Solo di recente ha concentrato i suoi sforzi nella fotografia quale espressione d’arte con una personale intitolata “DETTAGLI” durante il Salone del Mobile 2011. Sue opere sono state vendute ad Aste di Beneficenza come Christy’s e Sotheby’s! Nell’estate 2012 ha esposto opere alle “Nuove Terme” di Bormio.
Born in Padua, Italy on March 5th 1967. He works and lives in Milan. In the early nineties at Milan
Fashion Week he started working as photographer and assistant for
various American magazines such as Vogue America and Harper’s Bazaar.
He pursued his passion doing photo reports of his various trips all over the world, from Africa to Asia and Central America.
Nato a Padova il 5 marzo 1967, vive e lavora a Milano.
Fotografo per passione, ha da sempre masticato fotografie, autodidatta, ha mosso i suoi primi passi nel campo della fotografia a Bali nel 1975
Ha seguito corsi a Londra presso London University e a Milano presso Super Studio.
Nei primi anni ’90 a Milano, durante la “Settimana della Moda” ha collaborato, come fotografo e come assistente, con svariate testate americane tra cui Vogue America e Harper Bazar.
Ha poi seguito la sua passione fotografando in giro x il mondo passando dall’Africa, all’Asia e il Centro America.
L’anno scorso ha esposto come Artista Indipendente al “MIA FAIR 2013” e al “Photo Festival 2013” di Milano
Quest’anno ha avuto due Mostre Personali a Milano e ha esposto come Artista Indipendente al “MIA FAIR & D di Singapore in concomitanza con la Biennale della Fotografia di Singapore.
A breve sarà all’Asta di Artcurial a Parigi
Sue opere sono state vendute ad aste di beneficenza come Christy’s e Sotheby’s!
FOR MORE about photographer and photo guide